5 X 1 Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squats
Notes: Work up to 50% of your 1RM Snatch and then increase weight each round from there. If you fail on a set, take 10 lbs off and finish at that weight.
Every 1:15 for 12 rounds of:
Odd – 4 Manmakers DEMO
Even – 12 Box Jumps
Notes: Choose a weight on the Manmakers and a height on the box that allows you to complete each round with at least 15 seconds of recovery. Push yourself but don’t run out of time to complete a round.
Erin & Eddie showing off their core skills after class!
- Our new class schedule starts today! Make sure to reserve your spot and know when to come. Also, checkout some of the new offerings we have for you! Barbell WOD with Coach Kellen and Mobility with Coach Kate are both included in any CrossFit membership!
- FREE CLASS SATURDAY starts this week! Bring a friend, family member, or someone you met in line at the grocery store for a workout – FREE! That’s right, no drop in fee required! Every Saturday our 10am class will be open to the public! Don’t worry though, you’ll still get your butt kicked if you come with them!
- CrossFit Kids starts today! If haven’t signed your little one up yet it’s not too late! Pre-K starts at 3:30pm and Elementary age start at 4pm.
- WIN 50% OFF DECEMBER’S MEMBERSHIP FEES!!! Every athlete that works out at least 13 days in the month of November is entered into a drawing to win 50% off of December’s membership fees!