General Warm Up
50 Double Unders
Crossover Symmetry
5 X 3 High Hang Clean
“Cake and Ice Cream”
3 Rounds for time of:
21 Sumo Deadlift High Pull Burpees (75/55)
400m Run
*Compare to 140212
Stretching Doesn’t Work (The Way You Think It Does)
Does stretching make you more flexible? I know the obvious answer to this question, based on what we’ve all been told about the merits of stretching, is, “Duh! Yes!” But it turns out that might not be the case.But it might be the case. At least a little. But not totally. Okay, let me explain.
Stretch Your Bits or Stretch Your Mind?
I’ve had a few things come up recently that have me rethinking the common stretching belief that goes something like this: stretch tight bits in your body and they will get longer/more flexible/more supple.
The things that have me rethinking this are:
- An interview I did on the Liberated Body Podcast with Jules Mitchell who is writing a book (and just finished a thesis) on the science of stretching.
- A guide I am putting together on how to resolve short hamstrings (it’s out onLiberated Body in October), which had me immersed in the research about how hamstrings specifically manage to return to a more functional length.
- And last but not least, I am reading Katy Bowman’s new book Move Your DNA where her insights on sarcomeres have my attention (plenty of other things too, but I’m already trying to keep this post from becoming epically long).
I’ll do my best to summarize the a-ha moments that have sprung out of these three things.
Read the rest of the article here…