General Warm-up:
1000m Row/800m Run
Group Mobility
5 X 3 Power Snatch, up to 135/95
3 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
30 Wall Ball (20/14)
30 Situps
Work Hard, Play Hard
Why do CrossFit? Lets be honest, it hurts, it’s uncomfortable, it makes us smell, and we cough for hours after it. So why do we do it? Quite simply in my opinion, we do it so that we can live life better.
Lower blood pressure, lower body fat, higher bone density, better cholesterol, improved flexibility, increased muscle, better mood, and so much more. These are just a few of the things I have seen clients experience and have experienced myself since starting CrossFit. And while this is all great, what’s the point? Who cares? Why not be lazy, eat whatever we want, get obese, develop diabetes and die young? At least we’ll enjoy the ride while it lasts…however short that ride might be.
Truth is, nobody wants that kind of life and it wouldn’t be fun while it lasted. It would hurt, it would be uncomfortable, it would make us smell, and I’m pretty sure for some reason or another it would make us cough. Sounds a lot like CrossFit right? Except with CrossFit those symptoms are only temporary and they lead to all of those other great benefits mentioned earlier. But above that, CrossFit lets us live the life we want to live.
Take Jonathan and Sarah (pictured above) for example, they put the work in at the gym and enjoy the benefits nearly every weekend tearing it up on the mountain. They don’t CrossFit for nothing, they reap the benefits of a stronger, healthier body.
So here’s my question for you…why do you CrossFit?